Procon RULZ настройка уведомлений


Server Admin
ViP Gamer



On Leave; Say %p% nokugaem cepBep

On spawn;serverfirst;set %kills_count% 0;set %hs% 0
On kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;incr %kills_count%
On kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Headshot;incr %hs%
On kill;Set %proc.1% %hs% / %kills_count% * 100
On kill;If %proc.1% >= 60;If %kills_count% > 30;Log %p%; Kick %p% Impossible stats Hs/K %proc.1%
On say; Admin; Text !0;TargetPlayer;TargetAction Say %p%: %kills_count% kills, %hs% HeadShots, hs/k: %proc.1%; Yell %p%: %kills_count% kills, %hs% HeadShots, hs/k: %proc.1%
On Kill;Headshot;Rate 6 15;Say %p%: banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - hacking status 3
On Kill;Headshot;Rate 8 25;Say %p%: banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - hacking status 4
On Spawn;PlayerOnce;
If %pcountrykey% == de; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == fr; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == uk; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == ru; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == pt; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == dk; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == it; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == no; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == se; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == es; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == fi; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == pl; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == ua; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == by; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == am; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == az; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == ge; PlayerYell 60 npuBem, %p%! nocMompemb npaBuJIa cepBepa TAHK HA 'C' - Ha6epu B 4ame koMaHgy !rules. He o6cmpeJIuBamb nexomy c caMoJIema. He amakoBamb 6a3y npomuBHuka. He BopoBamb mexHuky c 6a3bI npomuBHuka. He xaMumb. He HapyIIIau npaBuJIa cepBepa!
If %pcountrykey% == gr; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == kz; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == tr; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == ro; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == dz; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == hr; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == cz; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == hu; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!
If %pcountrykey% == sk; PlayerYell 60 Welcome, %p%! Prohibited: Baserape. Shooting from a airplane in infantry. Theft of vehicles by the enemy base. Insults. Please follow the rules of the server!


Слав, короче, написать не сложно, но фокус группа говорит, что даже это никто не читает, нужно что-то короткое написать, очень короткоеbf3_2015_05_18_00_20_06_233.jpg


Типа, запрещен мат, запрещены текстуры, не более, иначе все теряется.


Слав, тут дело такое, я когда вижу латиницу, мне хочется написать на английском, поэтому в составлении данной шляпы я не фаворит. Я бы в этой строчке написал тупо Cobjlydau npabujla, типа того, лично меня эта надпись больше напрягает, чем дает информацию.


Я бы отнесся к этому с приколом инаписал там: Privet ElsiovSlava, serveru pizda!)))


Скрины кстати пипец не информативные, только путают, лишнего много.


Server Admin
ViP Gamer
Сделал молодец!!! У меня на этот счёт другая замутка

Пока много очень много работы только приехал домой
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Server Admin
ViP Gamer
А правила нужно сделать в адкатсе по запросу рулез и там уже прописать по пунктам все


На какой то серв пару раз заходила. При входе было приветствие краткое и сообщение о необходимости набрать !rules. Без этого в раунд не зайти - проверено. Добровольно мало кто правилами интересуется.


Server Admin
ViP Gamer
Хм интересно как это сделано
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